~  Tub Grinding Services in Virginia  ~

Contact Virginia Land Clearing and Excavation for Tub Grinding Services in Fauquier, Culpeper and Loudoun County, VA


When it comes to tub grinding services for eliminating wood pallets and lumber, fallen trees, branches, wood waste and vegetation from wooded areas or C&D disposal, Virginia Land Clearing and Excavation in Brandy Station, VA is at your service. We provide tub grinding services to help clear open spaces on job sites and to keep properties clear of piles of debris. Tub grinders are primarily used for grinding up raw materials and logging slash, recycled mulch and compost. The wood material that is ground up by the tub grinder can be used as biofuel. Small tub grinders are used for agricultural use grinding up livestock feed and bedding.

Why Tub Grinding?

A tub grinder is a large open round tub that relies on gravity to grind huge mounds of wooded debris into a fine mulch product that can be removed easily from a site, used for recycling and green waste reduction purposes or for landscaping applications. Virginia Land Clearing and Excavation uses tub grinders for land clearing projects for builders and developers, local and state governments agencies and municipalities and for parks and recreation contracts in Fauquier County, Prince William County, Culpeper County, Loudoun County and Stafford VA.

Tub grinders are loaded from the top using a loader, an excavator or a grapple to handle land clearing debris on large projects including trees and demolition materials. There are a variety of different size tub grinders, but typically they are about six foot deep by 10 to 14 feet in diameter. The tub grinder hammermill is a grinding mechanism that can chew through tons of material and can deliver 20 yards of finished material an hour. Large tub grinders can do even more an hour and the horsepower ranges from the 250 to 1200.

Recycling in VA

Tub grinders are particularly important for processing wood waste into recycled material. If you have ever seen a tub grinder in action, you know what an incredible piece of equipment it is. Material is dumped into the hopper of the tub grinder and the tub grinder hammermill does the rest. Tub grinders can be dangerous as materials can be thrown out of the tub for long distances. As licensed operators, we are trained to follow the safety rules to keep our staff and others on site safe.

Tub grinders and horizontal grinders are vital pieces of equipment for large projects that amass lots of woodland debris. When you need professional tub grinding equipment and services for your next land clearing contract, turn to Virginia Land Clearing and Excavation in VA.

Call Virginia Land Clearing and Excavation for Tub Grinding contracts in Fauquier, Culpeper, Loudoun and Stafford, Virginia – 703-378-2505.


  • Vermeer TG5000 550HP Tub Grinder
  • Vermeer HG6000 700HP Horizontal Grinder
  • CBI 6800T 1100HP Tracked Horizontal Grinder